17-04-24 admin 0 comment

(study abroad)

Studying MBBS abroad has increasingly become a financially viable option for many aspiring medical students, often proving to be more economical compared to pursuing the same degree within India. Several factors contribute to this cost-effectiveness.

Studying MBBS abroad comes with costs that are either on par with or lower than those of private universities in India. The expenses for education, including visa, tuition fees, and accommodation in countries like RussiaGeorgiaPhilippines etc. are comparatively less than the fees for an MBBS degree in any private Indian university. This cost advantage is a significant reason why students opt for studying MBBS abroad rather than in private universities in India. Upon successful completion of their course, students are permitted to practice in the host country. This offers them the opportunity to earn substantial income, thus providing a better return on investment in the long term.


Studying MBBS IN abroad is becoming popular because it can save money. Here is why:

Cheaper Fees: Many foreign universities charge less for medical courses compared to private colleges in India. Countries like Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan and Philippines the offer good education at lower costs.

Lower Living Costs: Living expenses in these countries are often lower too, which helps students save money.

Fair Admissions: In India, getting into medical school is tough and can be expensive. But many foreign universities admit students based on their grades, without needing big donations.

Scholarships: International students can get scholarships and financial help easier abroad than in India, which can make studying cheaper.

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